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Journal Policies


The copyright of all the articles published in the International Journal of Faith and Management (IJFM) lies with the Christian Institute of Management (CIM), which can be reproduced only with the permission of CIM.

Open Access

Following the Gold Open Access Policy, this journal provides immediate open access of its contents for its readers to access the articles free of cost to acquire wide global knowledge.


Manuscripts must be submitted with the agreement of all the authors, and all of them should give final approval to the version to be published. If the author list is modified after the first submission, this must be done with the agreement of all the authors.

Originality and Plagiarism

The authors should ensure that the content is their original work and if they extract some part of others’ works, it should be appropriately acknowledged.

Data Access and Retention

Authors may be asked to provide the original data in connection with the manuscript for editorial review.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Research manuscripts that are already published elsewhere will not be considered for publication in IJFM. The submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently is also considered to be an unethical practice. The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed and the result will be announced within three months.

Financial and Competing Interests

All authors are required to make complete disclosure of all financial and non-financial relationships and activities with other agencies, wherever applicable.

Ethical Requirements

Where appropriate, research should be approved by an ethics committee in accordance with the policy/legal requirements of the organization/country where the study is carried out.

Editing & Reviewing
  • Editors and reviewers are expected to treat manuscripts they handle confidentially.
  • Editors and reviewers must not disclose information about manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the publishing process, reviewer feedback and final decision) to anyone. They should not use the knowledge of the work before its publication to further their own interests.
  • Following a double-blind peer review process, the identity of the authors and reviewers will not be disclosed during the peer review process. Similarly, the comments of the reviewers will not be published.
  • The experts who are involved in the IJFM publication process, who submit their own work to the Journal, should not be involved in any aspect of the editorial processing of their manuscript and should not have access to the records.
  • The review should be conducted objectively and constructively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
  • Reviewers should declare any association with the authors of a manuscript. They should also disclose any financial or professional associations that could be perceived as interfering with the objectivity of their scientific assessment of a manuscript.
  • The editors and the reviewers will keep in mind the multidisciplinary nature of the journal, at the intersection of faith and management and ensure that both the aspects are incorporated though in varying degrees, in each of the manuscripts.
  • Editors who make final editorial decisions on a manuscript must have no financial, personal or professional involvement with the manuscript under consideration.
Artificial Intelligence

Text generated from Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools (such as Chat GPT), shall not be used in manuscripts submitted to this journal. AI-assisted technologies shall not be considered as authors or co-authors in this journal. Similarly, sources cited in the journal cannot be authored by AI tools.

Fair Play

An editor will evaluate the manuscripts for its intellectual content irrespective of race, gender, age and citizenship of the authors.


The accuracy of the statements of fact, the authenticity of scientific findings, observations, or conclusions, expression of scientific or other opinion and any other content published in the journal rests solely with the author.